Living in the contemporary world, we are exposed to distractions, stressors and more every minute of the day. The constant exposure to technology or trying to keep up with the fast-paced society has created a sense of imbalance in us. Hence, meditation in today’s world is more relevant and necessary than ever. Meditation has clinically proven to be both psychologically and physically beneficial for our bodies. Research has shown that mindfulness meditation contributes to enhancing productivity, and awareness, decreasing anxiety and even improving self-control and concentration. Nowadays, the world demand for us to be present and connected 24/7 which leads our minds and bodies to go under extreme pressure. Mindful meditation over here can act as a remedy to all these problems by helping in improving our sleep quality and being in more control of ourselves when it may seem like the world is falling apart.

What is Meditation?

Meditation in simpler words can be defined as “awareness”. It does not mean having an out of the world experience or having supreme control over your mind. It simply means working with our minds and cultivating awareness and focus. When we meditate, we are bringing our effort to be as mindful as we can through a meditating object, for example, breath, by bringing all our focus on it. So, when the mind wanders off to “what went wrong at work” or “why did I fight with my partner”, we are able to gently bring it back over and over again to this object (Breathing) which is called practice of being mindful. It isn’t about controlling your mind; it is about freeing it.

Why do we need to do it?

Meditation has proven its efficacy in keeping calm and clear mind providing a connection with ‘oneself’. It improves concentration level, builds resilience against stress and reinforces mindfulness. It also contributes in enhancing lifestyle by including healthy diet and exercise.

How to do it?

Practicing meditation is initially a task but if you do it at least for 12-15 minutes a day it becomes a  habit and contributes positively in your mental health. It is important to understand the significance of each step involved in it and learn how to properly do it. Firstly, a person needs to find a calm place and take a seat to avoid any potential disturbances. Secondly, setting a time limit would help in maintaining a daily ritual to which the body could respond. Also, try to wear loose clothes for a free flowing sensory experience. You can sit on a chair or cross your legs or simply kneel down, the purpose is to remain stable and at peace by noticing your posture. Simultaneously, try to feel your breath, you can count to five inhale and count to five and hold your breath and count to five exhale. This will help you comeback to and be present in the current moment. You can subsequently connect with yourself and observe when your mind is wandering, as it is liable to happen after losing the span of attention. What you can do is shift your focus back to your respiration without making negative comments on yourself or think about the content of your thought. Thereafter, gradually shift your focus from your breath to a pleasant stimuli around you like, chirping of a bird, sound of water etc. and open your eyes gradually. While doing this last step make a deliberate attempt to behold how your body feels after it and discover your thoughts and emotions.

Importance of Professional Counseling: A friend or family member may listen to you, but they aren’t professionally, technically qualified or experienced to offer you professional advice. If you wish you can contact us at MindTribe to receive help from our team of expert psychologists.


MindTribe Founder Dr. Prerna Kohli, India’s eminent psychologist, established the company to leverage the strength of the online to make counseling affordable and accessible to everyone. MindTribe provides counseling, workshops, support groups, forums, and eLearning.

About the Author.

Dr. Prerna Kohli, is an eminent psychologist, a published author, a four-time gold medalist, an awardee by the President of India for her contributions to Mental Health, and the founder of You can learn more about her by clicking here

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