Bringing a child into the world is one of the greatest moments in anyone’s life. At times natural pregnancies can run into complications, thus with the advancement in technology it is now possible to be a parent when other fertility techniques have failed to provide beneficial results. That is when a treatment called In Vitro Fertilization can be effective.

IVF is a process where a female’s eggs are taken out from her ovaries and then fertilized with a male’s sperm. Once the embryos form they are then put back into the woman’s uterus to achieve conception.

In recent times a newer concept such as single parent IVF has also started to gain popularity. IVF works for single parents regardless of the current relationship status one identifies. The focus here is about building a family and the need to have one. IVF works for women by using insemination by a sperm donor, and for men, they have to use donated embryos and a gestational surrogate. A single parent has to consider themselves mentally, emotionally, physically, and financially available to agree to this process.

The stigma attached to parenthood only limited to a husband, wife, and child relationship is now breaking barriers due to the development of a more open-minded approach to embracing parenting. Not only is IVF implemented in countries abroad, but now many Indian celebrities have had the joy of bringing children into their lives through IVF treatment, and one such individual is Karan Johar. He welcomed his twins Roohi and Yash in 2017 and felt overly blessed to be a parent figure. At first, like every other parent, there was a sense of uncertainty of how the situation will be in the future, but the main reason for taking this decision was to offer love which needed to be shared. He gave his strength of love a platform and a better means to express it. He has dedicated himself entirely to this new phase of being a father and ensures that his children receive unconditional love, care, and attention. Roohi and Yash are his utmost priority and even equal to being his whole world. This experience has made him realize that work and social commitments are secondary, but creating a warm and nurturing environment for his children will always be his primary goal in life.

 Karan Johar also experienced hate from the general public about the twins not obtaining the love of a mother. To this, he responded that the children are receiving all the warmth and motherly love from their grandmother and him which makes a mother’s absence less felt.

It is a well-known fact that In Vitro Fertilization has brought tremendous happiness to many lives. The hope of welcoming a life into this world is still possible through technology when natural conceptions do not work-out, due to some impediment. Karan Johar gives all the credit to medical science for making this fatherhood journey possible and an exciting experience.

Importance of Professional Counseling: A friend or family member may listen to you, but they aren’t professionally, technically qualified or experienced to offer you professional advice. If you wish you can contact us at MindTribe to receive help from our team of expert psychologists.


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About the Author.

Adriana Rodrigues is a psychologist at You can learn more about her by clicking here

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