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To Think or Not to Think, That is the Question.

One of the ground-breaking researches conducted at the University of Michigan, USA suggests that overthinking is extremely prevalent, about 73 percent, among young and middle-aged adults (25-35-year-olds) as compared to the other age groups. Women are considered to be more prone to overthinking as compared to men as well as people who indulge in overthinking have an increased risk of developing depression, anxiety, and substance abuse.

Overthinking, a self-explanatory term in itself refers to the process of constant analysis and anguish over one’s thoughts. It might also include rumination wherein a person is stuck in constant worries about their past or present actions and/or decisions. It can be classified into three common forms, namely:

  1. Rumination about a past mistake or perceived inadequacy

  2. Analysis paralysis (inability to make decisions despite extensive analysis and research)

  3. Uncontrollable concern about the unknown

Some of the common causes of overthinking can be listed as follows:

  • Self-doubt

  • Self-esteem issues

  • Anguish about repeating past patterns concerning previous bad experiences

  • Perfectionism – Unrealistically high standards for oneself

  • Trauma

  • Anxiety, etc. to name a few

It has also been found in various research studies that people who have an ambitious, competitive, and intense personality type (called Type-A) are more likely to overthink as compared to those having a less frantic and reactive personality type (called Type-B).

Overthinking can cause severe impacts on our day-to-day functioning. A few of them are::

  • Disrupted emotional regulation

  • Irregular sleeping habits

  • Indecisiveness

  • Avoidance

  • Procrastination

  • Interference with quality of life

  • Fear of judgment and Performance anxiety


Overthinking is considered to be a cause and/or effect of various mental health issues such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), trauma, phobias, panic disorder, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, etc. to name a few.

A few warning signs of overthinking are:

  1. You can’t stop worrying about things that you have no control over

  2. You constantly remind yourself about your past mistakes and are self-critical

  3. You revisit embarrassing moments of the past over and over

  4. You often ask yourself a lot of “What if..” questions

  5. You tend to have difficulty sleeping because your brain doesn’t seem to shut off

  6. Whenever you recall conversations, you tend to think about all things you wish to have said or had not said

  7. You spend more than the required time thinking about the hidden meaning behind people’s conversations or events

  8. You tend to dwell on other people’s behavior towards you

  9. You tend to dwell on past events or worry about the future and hence miss out on what is happening in the present


Overthinking is not a disorder in itself, but can either be independent in nature or a cause/effect of some other disorders. Counseling and Psychotherapy, which has a Cognitive-Behavioristic approach, works wonders in cases of clients having issues related to the aforementioned concerns. Moreover, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) has a lot of techniques including “cognitive defusion” that helps clients to live in the present moment. Effective goal planning and techniques provided by the therapist can help clients to distinguish between a thought and a fact and hence overcome the tendency of analysis paralysis which leads to effective decision making.

Importance of Professional Counseling: A friend or family member may listen to you, but they aren’t professionally, technically qualified or experienced to offer you professional advice. If you wish you can contact us at MindTribe to receive help from our team of expert psychologists.


MindTribe Founder Dr. Prerna Kohli, India’s eminent psychologist, established the company to leverage the strength of the online to make counseling affordable and accessible to everyone. MindTribe provides counseling, workshops, support groups, forums, and eLearning.

About the Author.

Simran Aurora is a psychologist at You can learn more about her by clicking here

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Acknowledgement: All images used are open source and from Unsplash.