When to take a therapy session

So many questions, you might have, while you are reading on. When should I go to therapy, what is the right time, will therapy work for me, do I need therapy, what are the signs, how do I know I need counseling, why should I go to therapy, is it time to finally talk it out?

In a nutshell, seeking help is okay. But you might need more reasons, here are the top 7 signs, therapy is waiting for you:

  1. Feeling “not you”

Some things have changed. Before, you used to talk a lot and meet new people, but now, you feel like curling up in bed, and like before, you don’t even go out to eat together with family. You see a change in your behavior, and it’s just not you, you are thinking more, analyzing more or emotions are not very stable. They keep swinging, or you feel more sad than usual, anger outbursts are there, and they were hardly there before. Maybe you are irritated on the smallest of the small matters.

2. Emotional eating and risky behaviors

As you don’t feel better, you now do something to feel better, drink alcohol, throughout the week, and that is new for you. You want to try drugs, and you call a friend, who will help you procure drugs, and you do that when you feel down. Red alert! You see the negative results, but your emotions have captured you. Now, when you feel sad, you eat more chocolate, though you know it is too much chocolate.

3. You are going through a loss of a loved one, or something has left you

Maybe, you went through a job loss, or your boyfriend left you for another girl. Or your dog passed away, or maybe, the new job doesn’t feel as enjoyable as the old one. It might feel suffocated in the same room, which used to make you feel free, as something or someone is lost.

4. Something has happened in the past which still bothers you 

You watch a TV series on Netflix, but you relate to characters so much, that you connect your life events in the past, and relive those struggles. Maybe, not being able to pass one exam, makes you feel like a failure when you open the same book, and now, you are unable to focus. And, that’s when, you are trying so hard to concentrate, but the thoughts, just don’t go away.

5. You don’t enjoy things, sleeping difficulties and/or appetite changes have entered your life

You miss those fun times, while you played your favorite instrument, the guitar. Now, holding a guitar is a struggle, eating more than one chapati is not that interesting, and sleep breaks in between the night, more than once or even more

6. Maintaining relationships has become difficult

Friends are drifting away, or parents say, that you have now become rude or silent.

7. You aren’t performing well at work, school, or college

Distractions have increased, and now they are inside more than outside, your thoughts and emotions. Procrastination, people-pleasing, perfectionism, have become a huge part of your life.

A 2001 study in the Journal of Counseling Psychology found that most people feel better within 7 – 10 sessions.

5 reasons why everyone can go to therapy?

  • You will know yourself better and become an improved version.

  • You get a different perspective about life.

  • More fulfilling relationship with yourself and others.

  • Better physical and mental health.

  • It can help you be more productive and happier.

If you are confused about therapy, Mindtribe offers a free first session to talk through what you’re going through. Based on the severity of your issues, your psychologist will recommend the number of sessions.

The sooner you request help, the quicker, you can feel better.

Importance of Professional Counseling: A friend or family member may listen to you, but they aren’t professionally, technically qualified or experienced to offer you professional advice. If you wish you can contact us at MindTribe to receive help from our team of expert psychologists.

About MindTribe.in.

MindTribe Founder Dr. Prerna Kohli, India’s eminent psychologist, established the company to leverage the strength of the online to make counseling affordable and accessible to everyone. MindTribe provides counseling, workshops, support groups, forums, and eLearning.

About the Author.

Rahul Verma is a psychologist at MindTribe.in. You can learn more about him by clicking here

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of MindTribe.in, the Founders, or management team.

Acknowledgement: All images used are open source and from Unsplash.