Why is it important to have high self esteem

To understand why having high self-esteem is important it is critical that we first comprehend what we mean when we say “self-esteem.”

It means having confidence in one’s worth as a human which is a valuable psychological resource and a fairly positive factor in life. Furthermore, it is considered an important element for having pleasant relationships, and happiness in life.

Self-esteem entails appreciating yourself and treating yourself with love, value, dignity, and respect. Positive self-esteem also entails trusting in your abilities to learn, succeed, and contribute to the world as well as your independence. It indicates you believe your thoughts, feelings, and views are valuable.

High self-esteem also allows you to see that not everything is about you, allowing you to avoid taking things personally and being overly reactive. You can see beyond yourself and be confident in your place in the world where you have a strong sense of self-respect. With a higher self-concept, you are less likely to place undue emphasis, blame, self-doubt, melancholy, or emphasis on the aspects of living that you are unhappy with. This will make you much more capable of dealing with stress, nervousness, and pressure from school, work, home, and peers.

The American Psychological Association states that self esteem is an essential component for one’s mental well being. Self-esteem is important since it aids in the development of coping abilities, the handling of adversity, and the perspective of the negative. Rather than feeling hopeless, stuck, or unworthy as a result of any perceived “faults,” an individual with a higher self is more inclined to look for ways to change or improve rather than feeling like a “failure” or despair.

Ways to improve self-esteem. 

As previously stated, increasing your self-esteem takes time and effort, but it is well worth it because self-esteem is linked to general quality of life.

● Start a Gratitude journal: This will help to focus on the positive side of things happening in your life

● Think of yourself as a friend: We are patient, considerate, and soft when helping our friends. So now when you get hard on yourself, think from this perspective.

● Take a Break: Allow yourself to make mistakes and eliminate negative self-talk and self-theories. No one is perfect or adores himself in every way.

● Maintain a Thought Dairy: When negative ones come, make a conscious decision to either work effectively on them or let them go. When you have positive thoughts, try to enhance them, especially when you have less favorable thoughts.

Self-esteem is essential for happiness in life. This mindset comes naturally to some people, while it is a struggle for others. Fortunately, no matter where you are on the self-esteem scale, you can improve your vision, support, compassion, and love for yourself.

After all, the relationship you have with yourself may wind up being the most important—it gives you the endurance, conviction, compassion, drive, and love that you need to be the greatest person you can be.

Importance of Professional Counseling: A friend or family member may listen to you, but they aren’t professionally, technically qualified or experienced to offer you professional advice. If you wish you can contact us at MindTribe to receive help from our team of expert psychologists.

About MindTribe.in.

MindTribe Founder Dr. Prerna Kohli, India’s eminent psychologist, established the company to leverage the strength of the online to make counseling affordable and accessible to everyone. MindTribe provides counseling, workshops, support groups, forums, and eLearning.

About the Author.

Disha Begani is a psychologist at MindTribe.in. You can learn more about her by clicking here

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Acknowledgement: All images used are open source and from Unsplash.