Know that it’s totally natural to experience stress at work; it occurs to everyone. It may be an anxiety disorder, though, if you recognise that your tension is ongoing, debilitating, and keeping you from living your life.

Anxiety at work may significantly affect your job and you. People who experience workplace anxiety may even base their professional selections on this worry. For instance, if accepting a promotion would require you to do more management, speak in front of an audience, or travel to new locations, you could feel obligated to decline it.

The following signs might be present if you suffer from job anxiety:

  • avoiding family or friends

  • persistent concern

  • Crying

  • Feeling grumpy, worn out, or tense

  • feeling pressure to perform perfectly

  • Having issues falling asleep

  • difficulty focusing or remembering things

  • being bored with your work

  • Eating too much or too little

What Leads to Anxiety at Work?

There are several factors that might trigger anxiety at work. Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent mental health issue in the United States, according to Darcy E. Gruttadaro, JD, director of the Center for Workplace Mental Health at the American Psychiatric Association Foundation.

People frequently experience anxiety before major presentations, client meetings, or face-to-face interactions with senior leaders, according to Gruttadaro. Extreme, sometimes incapacitating, and ongoing levels of fear, apprehension, and concern are characteristics of anxiety disorders.

In reality, coworkers and bosses may not be aware of an anxiety problem in a person they work with. According to Gruttadaro, some warning signs that someone may have an anxiety condition include:

Decreased performance

Excessive absences from work

Not seemed to be working

Physical issues such as perspiration, stomach discomfort, and poor sleep (without another explanation) poor performance at work

The individual makes a difference in the underlying reason for anxiety at work. Anxiety at work can be brought on for certain people by excessively long work hours, high levels of stress, a lack of management and peer support, and other circumstances.

Other circumstances that might induce anxiety in you include:

  • addressing problems at work

  • delivering speeches

  • Maintaining intimate ties

  • Staff lunches, meetings, and workplace celebrations

  • Establishing and keeping deadlines

  • Getting involved in meetings

Controlling Stress at Work

Fortunately, there are several things you can take to control your stress and anxiety at work.

More advice is provided below:

  • Develop wholesome behaviours: Your mind and body will stay in top form if you get adequate sleep, eat well, exercise frequently, and limit your intake of alcohol and caffeine.

  • Be prepared: Even while organising your workspace might not seem like a top priority right now, it will benefit you much in the long term.

  • Be truthful to yourself: Avoid accepting tasks, projects, and assignments if you don’t have the time to do them.

  • Communicate: If you require assistance, ask. Speak out if you have too much to manage.

  • Before starting the next activity or project, take a moment to acknowledge your accomplishments and express gratitude to those who assisted you.

  • Learn how to recognise anxiety’s symptoms and how to manage them at work by educating yourself.

  • Spend a bit more time perfecting it the first time to get it correct. Long-term benefits include not having to redo your laborious effort.

  • Plan and prepare: Start any significant work you have early, and give yourself minor deadlines. Making plans for potential difficulties and attempting to avoid them might also be helpful.

  • Clearly define your boundaries by never bringing work home. Make it a rule, for instance, that after you leave the office, you won’t check your voicemail or work email.

  • Avoid toxic coworkers by refusing to hear rumours or negative comments at work.

  • Take breaks as necessary. To relax, practise deep breathing methods or go for a stroll. Vacations are also included in this. You’ll likely return feeling revitalised and prepared to continue.

  • Inform a trusted coworker about your concern: Knowing that someone at work is aware of your worries may be reassuring and may reduce some of your stress and anxiety.

  • Utilize your time management abilities: Managing your time well will help reduce stress. To help you prioritise your work, try utilising to-do lists. These lists might help you make sure you provide adequate time for each assignment.

  • Work: In addition to helping you earn much-needed money, working may help you build social identity and self-esteem.

How to Get Assistance

Stress and anxiety shouldn’t be disregarded. You can feel better with the aid of experts like therapists and counsellors. They could suggest consistent therapy sessions, medication, or any other kind of therapy.

Importance of Professional Counseling: A friend or family member may listen to you, but they aren’t professionally, technically qualified or experienced to offer you professional advice. If you wish you can contact us at MindTribe to receive help from our team of expert psychologists.


MindTribe Founder Dr. Prerna Kohli, India’s eminent psychologist, established the company to leverage the strength of the online to make counseling affordable and accessible to everyone. MindTribe provides counseling, workshops, support groups, forums, and eLearning.

About the Author.

Sneha Soni is a psychologist at You can learn more about her by clicking here

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Acknowledgement: All images used are open source and from Unsplash.