
Dr Prerna Kohli


Dealing with narcissistic abuse

Narcissistic abuse is defined as verbal, sexual, physical, financial or emotional abuse experienced by a person with narcissistic traits. A narcissist is described as an individual who spends a little too much time loving or caring for themselves. At the core of all this love, lies shame – and a narcissist might go to any length to avoid feeling it.

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Psychological effects of bullying

Bullying, an aggressive behavior, has serious detrimental effects on the psychology and emotions of its victim. It involves providing deliberate harm and humiliation to those who are physically weak, young, or emotionally vulnerable. Bullying could be in the form of verbal attacks, such as taunting, abusing, and name-calling, or physical attacks, such as kicking and hitting. It can also involve emotional abuse such as blackmailing or social exclusion. These days a new form of bullying called cyberbullying is on the rise. It occurs in the form of trolling and spreading rumors.

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Body Image

Imperfections in the Eyes of the Beholder: Body Dysmorphia

Body Dysmorphic Disorder, also termed as Body Dysmorphia, is a distinctive mental health issue that involves pre-occupation with an “imagined” physical defect or some minor deformity that often goes unnoticed by others. Owing to such a thought process, people with this disorder perceive themselves as being “ugly” or “not-good-looking” which often leads to avoidance of interpersonal interactions. People also take refuge in plastic/cosmetic surgery in an attempt to improve their appearance.

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